New family of dyes - Banco de Patentes
Back New family of dyes
New family of dyes

It has been developed a simple and friendly environmental process to obtain new dyes for coloring materials (plastic, textile, leather, paints...), for laser devices, thermography and solar cells. They are solvatochromic properties (its color varies depending on the solvent), and they are obtained quickly, cheaply and with high yields.
This technology is protected by Spanish patent (P201301191). Also, a PCT application has been filed for international extension (PCT/ES2014/070921).
Entity: Universidad de Alicante (UA)
Víctor Manuel Pérez Lozano
SGITT-OTRI (Universidad de Alicante)
Teléfono: +34 96 590 9959
Fax: +34 590 3803