NEUROWIRES - Banco de Patentes

There is no effective clinical therapy for the recovery of nerve injuries that affect nerve lengths greater than 2 cm. Both autografts and allografts have disadvantages for the injured person or the donor.
The “designed and validated neurocables provide directionality to axonal growth on synthetic guide elements, improving the efficiency of regeneration from nerve stumps and enabling very long regeneration distances. The device is made up of tubular modules with end suture and fixation structures that connect to microfilaments within the lumen. The microfilaments are kept parallel and separated from each other to guide nerve regeneration during long lesions.
Patent pending: P202130065
Priority date: 27/01/2021
Entity: Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
Cristina Alemany Làzaro
I2T - Promotion and Support Service for Research, Innovation and Transfer
Universitat Politècnica de València
T: +34 963 877 957