Model to in vitro study mono-specie and multi-specia oral biofilms in real time - Banco de Patentes
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Model to in vitro study mono-specie and multi-specia oral biofilms in real time

Oral biofilms can vary in composition and cause the development of oral diseases such as caries, periodontitis or halitosis. This new in vitro model allows, quickly and without resorting to sophisticated equipment, to study their formation without practically manipulating the sample. The information, provided in the nearest conditions in vivo and in real time, can help to establish both the effectiveness of the treatment and predict the establishment of the oral disease, or even as proof of concept of new treatments oriented towards a personalized therapy.
The knowledge generated by the research group allows offering the technical and scientific assessment from the design of the research project to the interpretation of the results.
This knowledge has been financed with the collaboration of ACEA Biosciences Inc.
Entity: Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (FISABIO)
Alejandro Mira Obrados
Investigador Area de Genómica y Salud
Area de Innovación
Avda. Catalunya, 21
46010 - Valencia
Tel.: +34 961926351