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Thermoelectric microgenerator for Energy Harvesting

Thermoelectric microgenerator for Energy Harvesting

CSIC and UPV have developed a thermoelectric microgenerator useful for Energy Harvesting. This device allows the use of residual thermal energy generated by various devices and generates an electric potential. This new invention allows the use of a wasted energy. It is a useful way to reuse the energy generated by various types of devices.


The invention developed by CSIC is protected by patent application, it was made in 2014 at the OEPM.

Innovative product: Habitat: The property and its environment


Josep Calaforra Guzmán
Gestor de Transferencia de Conocimiento en DICV
Delegación Institucional de CSIC en la Comunitat Valenciana
C/ Cronista Carreres 11, 2ºC
Valencia 46003 (España)
Tel: +34 96 362 27 57  Ext: 102