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Back Methods for producing laminated glass with natural veneer and modified veneer for use in buildings

Methods for producing laminated glass with natural veneer and modified veneer for use in buildings

Methods for producing laminated glass with natural veneer and modified veneer for use in buildings

The inventions relate to methods for manufacturing laminated glass with natural veneer and modified veneer. These new laminated glasses can be used as construction elements in buildings, in particular in facades and in building enclosures/envelopes.

So far, with the manufacturing methods prior to the proposed inventions, laminated glass with veneer could be used for decorative purposes only, due to lack of adhesion between the glass layers. 

Innovative product: Habitat: The property and its environment


NOMBRE Luis Portolés Griñán
DIRECCIÓN Avda. Leonardo Da Vinci 38. Parque Tecnológico de Valencia
CÓDIGO POSTAL 46980 / CIUDAD Paterna. (Valencia). España
T. +34 96 131 85 59
E-Mail: lportoles@aimme.es
Web: www.aidimme.es