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Back Production of polyclonal antibodies in plants

Production of polyclonal antibodies in plants

Production of polyclonal antibodies in plants

CSIC, UPV and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias have developed a new method for the production of polyclonal antibodies. This method allows faster and cheaper production of such compounds. It also represents a simplification of the processes for obtaining these molecules. Currently is the only method to get polyclonal antibodies in a single step and with reproducibility.


The invention developed by CSIC is protected by patent application, it was made at the OEPM, registration number is P201231466. Currently this is under PCT.

Quality of Life: Health Promotion and Efficient Health


Josep Calaforra Guzmán
Gestor de Transferencia de Conocimiento en DICV
Delegación Institucional de CSIC en la Comunitat Valenciana
C/ Cronista Carreres 11, 2ºC
Valencia 46003 (España)
Tel: +34 96 362 27 57  Ext: 102