Muchamiel and de la pera tomato breeding lines with genetic resistance to viruses - Banco de Patentes
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Muchamiel and de la pera tomato breeding lines with genetic resistance to viruses

We have obtained several breeding lines of tomato, Muchamiel and De La Pera, with genetic resistance to some of the most important viral diseases that affect tomato in southeastern Spain. The new lines obtained have an acceptable production and its fruits have a good quality, and they are particularly interesting for tomato farmers from this geographic area.
It is protected as Commercial Plant Variety in Spain
Entity: Universitas Miguel Hernández (UMH)
Begoña García Jaén
Servicio de Gestión de la Investigación - OTRI
Avda. de la Universidad s/n
Edif. Rectorado y Consejo Social
03202 Elche, Alicante
Telf.: 966658841