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Back Tools for the evaluation and psychological treatment based on the new technologies

Tools for the evaluation and psychological treatment based on the new technologies

Tools for the evaluation and psychological treatment based on the new technologies

The research group Labpsitec, formed by researchers from the University of Valencia and the University of Jaume I of Castellon, has designed new tools to help patients overcome certain emotional disorders and phobias. These tools have the advantage that they can be be self-applied by the patient himself.


Protegido mediante patente en España.

Quality of Life: Health Promotion and Efficient Health


Oficina de Transferència de Resultats d'Investigació (OTRI)
Universitat de València
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 13, nivel 2
46010, Valencia
Tel: 96 386 40 44
e-mail: otri@uv.es
Web: www.uv.es/otri