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Back ERI Lectura: research for enhancing reading comprehension.

ERI Lectura: research for enhancing reading comprehension.

ERI Lectura: research for enhancing reading comprehension.

The ERI Lectura is an interdisciplinary structure created at the University of Valencia and focuses its research on studying the mechanisms involved in reading activity. As a result of their labor they have developed different software tools to improve the comprehension of texts, being applied in areas as education or people with functional diversity.


The developed tools are protected by intellectual property rights.

Sectoral environment: Health Promotion and Efficient Health
Entity: Universitat de València (UV)


Oficina de Transferència de Resultats d'Investigació (OTRI)
Universitat de València
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 13, nivel 2
46010, Valencia
Tel: 96 386 40 44
e-mail: otri@uv.es
Web: www.uv.es/otri