ergoIA. Artificial Intelligence applied to ergonomic risk assessment. - Banco de Patentes
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ergoIA. Artificial Intelligence applied to ergonomic risk assessment.
ergoIA is a software that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the automatic analysis of the movements of people at their workstations for its ergonomic evaluation. The system does not require specialized video capture equipment for further processing and does not require the use of markers or sensors.
ergoIA integrates, in its first version, the ergonomic risk assessment methodologies OWAS (Ovako Working Analysis System), REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment), and repetitive tasks. Over the coming years, and in accordance with the technological development roadmap, ergoIA will continue to evolve to incorporate the main ergonomic risk assessment methodologies according to users' needs.
Industrial Property of the Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia.
Nombre: Mercedes Sanchis Almenara
Puesto: Directora de Innovación de Mercado en Bienestar y Salud Laboral y responsable de ergoIA.(Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia)
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