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Back New electrolytes based on ionic liquids for application in electrochemical solar cells and batteries

New electrolytes based on ionic liquids for application in electrochemical solar cells and batteries

New electrolytes based on ionic liquids for application in electrochemical solar cells and batteries

New electrolytes based on ionic liquids for application in electrochemical solar cells and batteries

The invention consists in a set of new electrolytes based on ionic liquids that contain the sulphide/polysulphide redox couple. Applications include their use in electrochemical and optoelectronic devices and, more specifically, in dye-sensitised solar cells with semiconductors and in batteries. These electrolytes do not contain water or any additional solvents and they can enhance the performance, stability and durability of the devices.


This invention is protected by the European patent with reference number EP11723398.1, date of application 19/05/11 and priority date 20/05/10.

Industry environment: Habitat: The property and its environment
Entity: Universitat Jaume I (UJI)