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Zerogravity 3D

Zerogravity 3D

Inspection system that applies Machine Vision to quality control. It is an industrial solution easy to integrate in production processes, capturing images of an object from a number of cameras while the part is in free fall. The whole volume of the object is reconstructed in 3D in real time. 


Patent protected in the USA and Europe.

Sectoral environment: Capital goods
Entity: Red de Institutos Tecnológicos de la Comunitat Valenciana (REDIT)


Nieves Ruiz Alberola
ITI (Instituto Tecnológico de la Informática
Camino de Vera s/n. Edif. 8G. Acc. B 4ª planta
46022 Valencia
T. +34 96 387 70 69
F. +34 96 387 72 39
Email: gestion_tecnologica@iti.upv.es
Web: http://www.zerogravity3d.es