Wide-bandwidth coumpling device for power lines - Banco de Patentes
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Wide-bandwidth coumpling device for power lines

Coupling device wide bandwidth that consists in a coupling device of high bandwidth that is to enable signals to be measured higher than those of the power mains, typically ranging from 20 to 5 Hz and 400 Hz.
technology comes from research conducted through a project and belongs to the Institute for Energy
Technology. The technology is protected by patent:
"Dispositivo de acoplamiento de gran ancho de banda para líneas eléctricas".ES2402508.
"Wide-bandwidth Coupling device for power lines". ApplicationWO2013/045727A1
Entity: Red de Institutos Tecnológicos de la Comunitat Valenciana (REDIT)
Esther Mocholí Munera
ITE (Instituto de Tecnología Eléctrica)
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