Compact and lightweight high-resolution detector for simultaneous imaging of gamma and neutron radiation - Banco de Patentes
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Compact and lightweight high-resolution detector for simultaneous imaging of gamma and neutron radiation
![Compact and lightweight high-resolution detector for simultaneous imaging of gamma and neutron radiation](/documents/161324488/175070327/5.+F.G_DETECCI%C3%93N+COMBINADA+DE+RADIACIONES+NUCLEARES.png/1141f150-3353-4032-8005-21a948b6e610?t=1640266553313)
CSIC and UV have developed a device to obtain simultaneous images of gamma and neutron radiation, characterized by a compact and lightweight design and a high spatial accuracy and temporal resolution, what makes it a very useful technology for monitoring of hadron therapy.
Priority application filed suitable for international extension. The device has been tested in laboratory conditions.
Quality of Life: Health Promotion and Efficient Health
Instituto de Física Corpuscular
César Domingo Pardo
Catedrático José Beltran, 2
46980 Paterna