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Biobank of the Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (BIOBANCO LA FE)

Biobank of the Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (BIOBANCO LA FE)

Biobanco La Fe is a centralized service platform, a key piece in translational research because it provides the biological material and minimum information by following specific requirements and safe procedures in terms of data manipulation, information and responsible use of the material. It owns collections of biological samples of pathologies and controls.

Sectoral environment: Health Promotion and Efficient Health
Entity: Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe


DIRECTOR CIENTÍFICO: Dr. José Vicente Cervera Zamora (cervera_jos@gva.es)

COORDINACIÓN Y CONTACTO: Raquel Amigo Moreno (raquel_amigo@iislafe.es)

Teléfonos de contacto: 96 1246681 (Ext.: 246681) – 626494032 (Corporativo: 485606)

Mail corporativo: biobanco_lafe@iislafe.es