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Back Antibodies to detect residues of fungicides in food products

Antibodies to detect residues of fungicides in food products

Antibodies to detect residues of fungicides in food products

Antibodies to detect residues of fungicides in food products

Universitat de València and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas have developed new antibodies to determine in a fast, easy, precise and low cost way the residues in food products of the main fungicides used by the agri-food industry, such as boscalid, el ciprodinil, el pirimetanil y el fludioxonil.


The technology is protected through the following patents:

Spanish patent application P201031671, titled "Derivados funcionalizados de boscalid". PCT extension PCT/ES2011/070743.

Spanish patent application P201131641, titled "Haptenos, conjugados y anticuerpos para el fungicida ciprodinil". PCT extension PCT/ES2012/070704.

Spanish patent application P201230098, titled "Haptenos, conjugados y anticuerpos para el fungicida pirimetanil". PCT extension PCT/ES2013/070013

Spanish patent application P201231583, titled "Derivados funcionalizados e inmunorreactivos para el fungicida fludioxonil".

Sectoral environment: Agri-Food, Cosmetics and Household Products
Entity: Universitat de València (UV)